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At the beginning of summer we heard about a contest organized by the Diputación de Almería, in which companies could participate to see which had the best RSC and with the prize to help an NGO that the winner chose.
From Almerisan, we did not hesitate at any time to sign up, and from that moment we decided to prepare our participation in order to demonstrate our responsibility to society and the environment. For weeks we were preparing all the information about our sustainable actions to send to the deputation. Actually our intention in the contest was to check the level of our RSC and what we can improve it. Once all the necessary documentation and presentation had been sent, we only had to wait until the verdict of the judges of the Diputación.
But before the verdict, they asked all the companies for a small video explaining and showing how RSC are being met. Once in the awards ceremony, they give as winners to “Caparro Nature” (our most sincere congratulations), and they tell us that we have been second. In the end the objective of this contest is not to see who are the best, but to help an NGO and show that small businesses also contribute our grain of sand to improve society and avoid the loss of the environment.
In the category of large companies, he won the first “Cosentino” prize, which we also want to congratulate for his great work.