Your address will show here +12 34 56 78

Offer us your vehicle

Offer us your vehicle


All kinds of vehicles

We are always interested in any kind of vehicle, truck.

More than 55 years buying industrial and comercial vehicles

In Almerisan we have been 3 generations in this business. We know what we do and we offer the best conditions in you vehicle sell.

An easy process with the Almerisan´s guaranty.

To sell you vehicle has never been so easy and fast, with very few steps and with the guaranty of Almerisan.

Contact us

With the infomation about your vehicle.

Answer in 3 hours

We send you the economic answer

We collect your vehicle

We do all the documents for your vehicle.

Paiment in 48 hours

When the agreement is signed

I want to sell my vehicle

Once you have sent all the information recuested, our team will contact you to send you our offer.

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    FINALIDAD: Facilitarte la información que necesites o responder a tu consulta.

    LEGITIMACIÓN: Consentimiento del interesado.

    DESTINATARIOS: No se cederán datos a terceros, salvo obligación legal.

    DERECHOS: Acceder, rectificar y suprimir los datos, así como otros derechos, como se explica en la información adicional.

    Do you have any doubt or need solutions?

    Our team will help you immediately.









    For more than 55 years

    Almerisan Group has been working for the complete satisfaction of our customer in all ways, having the sell and rental of the best machinery as way of life and offering one of the best workshop services in Spain.

    Guarantee of quality

    Road assistance 24/7: +34 649 862 672