Hello, we are
Almerisan Group
Almerisan S.L. is from more than 55 years one of the main and bigger dealer, of industrial vehicles, trucks, tractor trucks, semitrailers, machinery, tyres and spare parts. We have more than 200 units in stock, revised and ready to use.
We are selling from 1961, always with the same goal; the satisfy of our customer. Almerisan compliance with the requirements necesary for the transport of vehicles, work shop service, tyres, logistic and documents with all his personal focus to the compleet satisfy of our customer.
To talk your same language
In Almerisan we know how important is the confidence in business, buy, sell, repair and rent. Whatever the deal is, to talk the same languaje, to know the utility and finaly of a business is essential to reach the goal. It is no other thing than the satisfy of our customer. Airport and hotel service, booking, etc. Differents customers, differents demands are differents Works with the same goal.
More than 55 years of experience turn us into head Company in the sector, and make us to have great relations with providers and companys wich compleet our services and achieve that up to now we are une of the most imprtand dealer of industrial vehicles.
We strongly bet for the innovation and our capacity for reinvent us is being checked along the time. Up to now, our comercial processes and operative in export and import, as well as the prodictivity in our work shop are high efficient.
We have the bes machinery to face al the days in our Company. Our logistic capacity and our work shop machinery, achieve us to be one of the best and to arrive to places where lots of others are not able to reach.
A great principle
The main goal of Almerisan Group ir to create value, offering the maximun quality in vehicles and services to all his customers, with guaranty of sustainability in all his process.

We are compromised
From 1961 we are offering our customer a personalized service adapted to his needs. A satisfied customer is the most importan for us.
We develop
To be competitive is one of the premises wich we start our work everyday. We want to offer the best and the last technology to offer the most compleet service.
We do everything
We offer to our customer all the services they need: industrial and comercial vehicles, compleet mechanic, transport, logistic, vehicle rental, GPS location and others aditionals services.
A model of business
The value creation is the goal, a team with the same effort and ilusion for offer the best with the best conditions. Our model of business is alwais all arrount our customer.

Years ago, a family started the number one company in sell and repair industrial vehicles.
We have more than 30.000m2 of facilties divided in differents parts with diferents functions
The I+D+I investigation gets us closer to the main demands of the sector and manage better quality of live to our employes and customer
Talent and employ
To continue growing is essential to be rounded of the best. Are you une of them? We are waiting for you.