Noticia, Sin categoría

With the new year disappears the possibility that the autonomous communities had to apply a tax surcharge on fuel, integrating the state tax with the highest value: 4.8 cents per liter. Measure that makes it more interesting to be registered in the Professional Gas Oil census.
On January 1, 2019, the regulation of the Hydrocarbons Tax is modified, so that the application of the regional section ceases to be the responsibility of the regional governments and the maximum limit of 4.8 cents per liter for the communities is established. In this way, the fiscal pressure of fuels in peninsular Spain and the Balearic Islands is equalized.
According to Fenadismer, which recommends transporters with vehicles of at least 7.5 tons of MMA that register in the Census of Beneficiaries of Professional Diesel of the Tax Agency, in case they have not done it before, to As of January, the refund will be 4.9 cents per liter: 4.8 cents of the old regional tranche, plus 1 cent of the national tranche.
Limits that are due to the regulation of the EU on this type of compensation to certain professional activities. As a consequence of this modification, in the Basque Country, Cantabria, Castilla-León, La Rioja and Navarra, the price of fuel will increase by 4.8 cents per liter; in Madrid, 3.1 cents; 2,4 in Aragón; 1 in Extremadura; and 0.8 in Asturias. The other communities already applied the maximum rate.