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What would suppose an increase of diesel in, at least 9.55 cents to which we must add the rise of the regional section scheduled for the first month of next year. The government is considering increasing taxes on diesel to match its cost to that of gasoline.
This measure was anticipated by the Minister of Finance, María Jesús Montero, in the plenary session of last Wednesday in the Congress, stating that her department is studying an “environmental taxation” that would seek to avoid “aggressive behavior with the environment”. The measure would be to match the special tax levied on gasoil with gasoline, which in principle will end the price gap between both fuels. According to this proposal, the tax increase would be up to 9.55 cents per liter, which would have to add the 4.8 cents per liter of increase, both for gasoline and diesel, which will enter into force on 1 January, as a result of the forecast contained in the Budget Law that is processed in the Parliament, and which provides for an equalization of the regional tax on fuels at its maximum level.
This measure would provide an additional collection of 2,140 million if it went from once 30.70 cents per liter of tax on diesel fuel to 40.35 cents per liter with which it is taxed on gasoline, but applied in a separately, it would mean obtaining some 600 million euros in revenue. It should be noted that this measure would not affect the price of liter of diesel fuel for transporters and farmers.